Academic unit of appointment: Center of legal Investigations. Legal and Political Faculty of Sciences. University of the Andes.
Founding date: January of 1995.
Objectives of the Group:
1) Culminate investigations on the rights-society-ethics-aesthetics-language relations from a scientific perspective, philosophical and interdisciplinary.
2) To outline a theoretic-philosophic approach for developing an ethic-jurisprudence science that outlines the fundamentals for reconstructing a coherent legal code which has a concrete significance and objective in our society.
3) Establish methodologies for legal teachings, which contribute to a mental awakening in students and make them conscious that the judicial framework should effectively respond to the economic reality, social, cultural and individual, and not just respond to them, but also, in the means possible, transform them.
4) Incorporate students of pregrad and postgrad as assistants to the investigation, and collaborate during courses, workshops, etc., with the formation of the teaching personnel and the investigation of replacement, by a means that instills in our Faculty an authentic philosophical tradition.
5) Endeavor a projection about the community, during field studies, analysis of problems and realities, specifically in the local and national domain.
6) Make proposals before the competent agencies for the development of a jurisdiction constituted with him and before humans individual and collectively, oriented by the highest values of our culture: The good, truth, liberty, beauty, and justice.
7) Work towards a reform of the University so that its essence is secure and complete its purposes.
8) Establish exchanges between other scientific and editorial institutions national and international.
Lines of Research:
- Ethic.
- Social Philosophy, moral, legal and political.